setembro 15, 2011

Comissão Europeia pretende 'europeização' dos controles fronteiriços

The EU commission is pressing ahead with a controversial draft bill on 'europeanising' the way border checks are introduced, allowing national governments to act on their own for only five days.

The draft, seen by EUobserver, has already irked France, Germany and Spain who jointly oppose the idea of giving the EU commission a veto right over what so far has been the exclusive competence of national governments.

Initially scheduled for the beginning of the week, the publication has been delayed until Friday (16 September), one day after the general elections in Denmark where border controls are a favourite topic of the populist Danish People's Party.

"Since the free movement of persons within the area without internal borders is a key Union achievement, the benefits of which are enjoyed by all the persons living in this area, it should as a general rule require a decision to be taken at the Union level, rather than for such decision to be taken unilaterally at the national level," the paper reads.

The proposal comes after member states earlier this year asked for clarification on when and how border checks can be reintroduced, following a Franco-Italian spat over Tunisian migrants crossing their common border. [...]

Ver notícia no EUObserver

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