agosto 12, 2011
agosto 11, 2011
A era que se aproxima de bancos pequenos
How many people does it take to operate a modern bank and how much should such a bank’s shares be worth? The one-two punch of recently announced lay-offs and stock price declines suggests that the answer to both questions is a lot smaller than you might think.
The numbers are staggering. As of midday on Wednesday, shares of Barclays and Credit Suisse, which announced lay-offs last week, are down more than 20 per cent for the month. Shares of HSBC, which will be making 30,000 redundancies – a 10th of its workforce – are down 17 per cent. Shares of Lloyds, which is cutting 15,000 jobs, are down nearly that much. Other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, have announced job cuts and suffered double-digit share price declines. And then there are Bank of America and Citigroup, the two banks facing the most intense pressure from investors this week; together they employ more than half a million people. For now.
Typically, job cuts are good for shareholders because they reduce labour costs and improve efficiency. But these lay-offs have set off a labour-capital death spiral: they are bad for employees but are proving even worse for shareholders, and the declines in the share prices of banks are putting yet more pressure on employees and will probably lead to more lay-offs. And so on, and so on. [...]
Ver notícia no Financial Times
The numbers are staggering. As of midday on Wednesday, shares of Barclays and Credit Suisse, which announced lay-offs last week, are down more than 20 per cent for the month. Shares of HSBC, which will be making 30,000 redundancies – a 10th of its workforce – are down 17 per cent. Shares of Lloyds, which is cutting 15,000 jobs, are down nearly that much. Other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, have announced job cuts and suffered double-digit share price declines. And then there are Bank of America and Citigroup, the two banks facing the most intense pressure from investors this week; together they employ more than half a million people. For now.
Typically, job cuts are good for shareholders because they reduce labour costs and improve efficiency. But these lay-offs have set off a labour-capital death spiral: they are bad for employees but are proving even worse for shareholders, and the declines in the share prices of banks are putting yet more pressure on employees and will probably lead to more lay-offs. And so on, and so on. [...]
Ver notícia no Financial Times
agosto 10, 2011
agosto 09, 2011
16.000 polícias para retomar o controlo de Londres
David Cameron today warned rioters that they would face the 'full force of the law' as he recalled Parliament, after violence swept across the country for a third night.
An unprecedented 16,000 police officers will be on the streets of the capital tonight, the Prime Minister announced, compared with just 6,000 last night. Today huge swathes of the capital woke up to the charred debris of burned out buildings and streets littered with waste.
Theresa May caused fury today by appearing to rule out using the Army and water cannons to quell any future disorder. Police were last night criticised for being absent when much of the looting and ransacking took place and, when they were present, keeping their distance from rioters.
Today a 26-year-old man who was shot as he sat in a car during rioting in Croydon died in hospital [...]
Ver notícia no Daily Mail
An unprecedented 16,000 police officers will be on the streets of the capital tonight, the Prime Minister announced, compared with just 6,000 last night. Today huge swathes of the capital woke up to the charred debris of burned out buildings and streets littered with waste.
Theresa May caused fury today by appearing to rule out using the Army and water cannons to quell any future disorder. Police were last night criticised for being absent when much of the looting and ransacking took place and, when they were present, keeping their distance from rioters.
Today a 26-year-old man who was shot as he sat in a car during rioting in Croydon died in hospital [...]
Ver notícia no Daily Mail
Crise Financeira,
Reino Unido
agosto 08, 2011
A estratégia chinesa do yuan arruina as finanças do Ocidente
Mi-2007 éclatait la crise des pays occidentaux. Mi-2009, ceux-ci sortaient de leur récession mais ne se débarrassaient pas pour autant de la crise qui restait la leur. Mi-2011, leur situation vient même de rebondir sous forme d'une crise conjointe de leurs finances publiques qui menace maintenant de les faire rechuter en récession...
En face, la Chine manifeste une santé insolente : trente-troisième année d'affilée sans récession, une croissance du produit intérieur brut (PIB) à 10 % l'an depuis vingt ans, un chômage qui ne cesse de reculer, des réserves de change, qui, tout compté, dépassaient déjà 4 500 milliards de dollars (3 165 milliards d'euros) à la fin du mois de juin 2011...
Ce contraste s'explique par l'énorme sous-évaluation du yuan infligée par la Chine à ses partenaires et rivaux. Grâce à un contrôle des changes draconien qui n'est accessible qu'aux Etats totalitaires, la Chine maintient le yuan à 0,15 dollar et à 0,11 euro, quand, selon le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) et l'ONU, il devrait valoir 0,25 dollar et 0,21 euro !
Les pays occidentaux sont restés totalement passifs face au cours du yuan que leur dicte la Chine. Depuis que, en 2001, ils ont admis la Chine à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), armée de son contrôle des changes, ils se sont privés, il est vrai, de la seule arme qui pourrait la faire céder : les représailles douanières.
Il en a résulté à la fois une désindustrialisation majeure des pays occidentaux et une industrialisation intense de la Chine.
La main-d'oeuvre en Chine étant la moins chère au monde, les entreprises qui y sont basées s'emparent de parts croissantes du marché mondial tandis que les multinationales occidentales viennent concentrer leurs investissements productifs sur le territoire chinois. Ce qui renforcera encore les parts du marché mondial captées par la Chine...
Ver artigo no Le Monde
En face, la Chine manifeste une santé insolente : trente-troisième année d'affilée sans récession, une croissance du produit intérieur brut (PIB) à 10 % l'an depuis vingt ans, un chômage qui ne cesse de reculer, des réserves de change, qui, tout compté, dépassaient déjà 4 500 milliards de dollars (3 165 milliards d'euros) à la fin du mois de juin 2011...
Ce contraste s'explique par l'énorme sous-évaluation du yuan infligée par la Chine à ses partenaires et rivaux. Grâce à un contrôle des changes draconien qui n'est accessible qu'aux Etats totalitaires, la Chine maintient le yuan à 0,15 dollar et à 0,11 euro, quand, selon le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) et l'ONU, il devrait valoir 0,25 dollar et 0,21 euro !
Les pays occidentaux sont restés totalement passifs face au cours du yuan que leur dicte la Chine. Depuis que, en 2001, ils ont admis la Chine à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), armée de son contrôle des changes, ils se sont privés, il est vrai, de la seule arme qui pourrait la faire céder : les représailles douanières.
Il en a résulté à la fois une désindustrialisation majeure des pays occidentaux et une industrialisation intense de la Chine.
La main-d'oeuvre en Chine étant la moins chère au monde, les entreprises qui y sont basées s'emparent de parts croissantes du marché mondial tandis que les multinationales occidentales viennent concentrer leurs investissements productifs sur le territoire chinois. Ce qui renforcera encore les parts du marché mondial captées par la Chine...
Ver artigo no Le Monde
agosto 07, 2011
BCE pondera decisão sobre compra de títulos Itália para aliviar dívida
After a week that saw $2.5 trillion wiped off world stock markets, political leaders are under searing pressure to reassure investors that Western governments have both the will and ability to reduce their huge and growing public debt loads.
ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet wants the policy-setting Governing Council to take a final decision on buying Italian paper after Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced new measures on Friday to speed up deficit reduction and hasten economic reforms, one ECB source said.
The source said that if the ECB council opted to intervene on Italy at a crucial conference call starting at 1700 GMT (1 p.m. EDT), the ECB and national central banks would start buying Italian bonds when markets open on Monday.
That would likely prompt a sizeable relief rally on global markets. If it does not act, the reverse would be true.
Another source said the council would look too at possible emergency liquidity measures to prevent money markets freezing. The fourth anniversary of the global credit crunch which ushered in the financial crisis looms this week. [...]
Ver notícia da Reuters
ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet wants the policy-setting Governing Council to take a final decision on buying Italian paper after Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced new measures on Friday to speed up deficit reduction and hasten economic reforms, one ECB source said.
The source said that if the ECB council opted to intervene on Italy at a crucial conference call starting at 1700 GMT (1 p.m. EDT), the ECB and national central banks would start buying Italian bonds when markets open on Monday.
That would likely prompt a sizeable relief rally on global markets. If it does not act, the reverse would be true.
Another source said the council would look too at possible emergency liquidity measures to prevent money markets freezing. The fourth anniversary of the global credit crunch which ushered in the financial crisis looms this week. [...]
Ver notícia da Reuters
agosto 01, 2011
Quanto mais perto de uma União? A eurozona rumo a uma união fiscal indefinida
At the emergency meeting of euro-zone leaders on July 21st, the president of the European Central Bank circulated a set of charts showing how bond spreads had blown out after every summit over the past year. He also handed out a ranking of countries deemed by markets most likely to default: Greece, Portugal and Ireland were at the top, riskier than Venezuela and Pakistan; Spain was less safe than revolutionary Egypt. Mr Trichet’s point was clear. The response to the crisis had been inadequate and often made matters worse, with markets seeing Europe as more of a basket-case even than Africa.
The leaders were determined to reverse this grim trend. So they agreed to slash interest rates on bail-out loans for the most crippled members, and to double their maturities to 15 years (and, if need be, be ready to double them again, to 30 years). The summit promised to keep up the subsidies until Greece could return to the market. Ireland and Portugal got the same terms. Greece’s private creditors were asked to pay, but only a bit. [...]
Ver artigo no The Economist
The leaders were determined to reverse this grim trend. So they agreed to slash interest rates on bail-out loans for the most crippled members, and to double their maturities to 15 years (and, if need be, be ready to double them again, to 30 years). The summit promised to keep up the subsidies until Greece could return to the market. Ireland and Portugal got the same terms. Greece’s private creditors were asked to pay, but only a bit. [...]
Ver artigo no The Economist
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